The Goods

  • Carbs

    The sugars, starches, and fibers founds in fruits, grains, vegetables, and unsweetened dairy products. The best carbs to eat are in their natural form (not processed), such as vegetables, legumes, fruit, and whole grains. Click here to learn more.

  • Protein

    Essential nutrients for our body. They are the building blocks of body tissue and a source of energy; providing as much energy density as carbs. Find out which proteins are good for you.

  • Fats

    Good fats come from vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fish. They differ from saturated fats; they are unsaturated. Find out which foods provide healthy fats.

  • Vitamins & Minerals

    Vitamins are organic substances, made from plants and animals, such as Vitamin C or B12. Minerals are inorganic elements that comes from soil and water that are absorbed by plants and animals, such as Calcium. Learn more about which foods provide the best vitamins and minerals.

  • Fiber "Fibre" & Water

    A type of carbohydrate that helps regulate the body’s use of sugars; keeping both sugar and hunger in check. Learn more about which foods have the best fiber.